Monday, January 24, 2011

In Response to Caroline C's Post

After reading "The Future that Never Happened" I was struck by when Brownmiller wrote, "Women as a class have never subjugated another group; we have never marched off to wars of conquest in the name of the fatherland... those are the games men play. We see it differently. We want to be neither oppressor nor oppressed. The women's revolution is the final revolution of them all." The last sentence is the most striking to me. I do not agree with Brownmiller because there are a lot of other movements and revolutions that need to be cleared as well. There is still racism between black and whites, discrimination with gays, lesbians, and transgenders, and conflicts between religion.

In the Re-emergence of the "Woman Question" I was able to relate to some of the points made, however I felt as if the article was very random and the points were scattered. The issue with sex is still an issue today. the double standard is still in effect. If girls accept a sexual advance from a guy they are considered promiscuous, however if they don't then there is that issue of rejection. Although the point that is made in this reading has to do with race instead of rejection, it is safe to say that there still is a double standard about sex between men and women; a man can get away with multiple sexual partners, whereas a women can't.

Focusing more on Caroline's post, I agree with her when she says part of the problem that still exists today is the dependence on men. I think that the issue Friedan touches upon with women focusing their lives on being a great housewife and mother still is present. I often hear my friends talk about how they want to "marry rich" but the truth is why can't they be the ones who make the money? Why aren't the men saying this common phrase?

Beauvoir also makes apoint about women being dependent on men. Every girl feels like she has to have a boy/man in their life in order to function. Now this dependence more focused on the technologic age. If a girl doesn't have a guy to text, call, Im, or facebook chat, they feel as if their life sucks. Why can't we just be happy talking to our friends every day? The oppression of women will be forever engrained in our culture if this dependence still exists.

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