Monday, April 4, 2011

As I was reading through Judith Arcana's article, I had mixed feelings. I found her writing a little difficult to follow and a bit choppy. She seemed to include personal experiences at random times during her article. As I was reading her article I found myself nodding along to some of her statements, and shaking my head at others. I did agree with her statement that abortion is a motherhood issue because I feel that people choose to have abortions because they know they cannot properly care for the baby and provide for it. Like Arcana says, "choosing to abort a child is a profoundly made life choice for that child", I think that making the decision of having an abortion is an extremely difficult and weighted choice because it calls into question the life of your baby, and your answer will determine the outcome. However, while I agreed with this statement, I found some of her other examples of "major life choices" to be a bit superficial compared to the choice of having an abortion. All of Arcana's examples, including things like boarding school, religion, and personal issues, were used as equivalent examples of having an abortion. Arcana writes, "choosing to abort a child is like choosing to send it to one school and not another, choosing whether or not to allow it to sleep in your bed". While I understand the point Arcana is making, that choosing to have an abortion greatly affects your baby, I found her other examples to be not as life changing or important as the choice of having an abortion or not. The life of your baby is called into question instead of the example of choosing between two schools, which will not have as much of a direct drastic affect on your baby's life.
Abortion is becoming more popular and more highly debated. Growing up in a liberal home, I have also been pro choice, however this does not mean I fail to see the argument of pro life. But I do believe that every woman should have the choice to decide whether or not they can care for a baby and if they are ready for it. I think it is more irresponsible to continue with a pregnancy while knowing that you cannot care for your baby, than it is to have an abortion. Choosing to have an abortion does not mean you never want to be a mother or have no connection to a fetus growing inside of you. To me, choosing to have an abortion is a difficult decision that should be based off of the mother and the baby and if the mother can adequately provide and love their newborn. The choice of abortion should not be decided off of political reasons, and will always be a scary decision any woman has to make.

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